Gimbal tracking camera
Object tracking system with 3 axis stabilization compromised of BLDC motors. Many iterations starting with Arduino, following STM32 Discovery board, EPOS2 driver, Raspberry Pi3...
I enjoy bringing ideas to life in any form and size. Electrical engineer based in Belgrade, Serbia.
I have done work in software development, control systems, robotics and industrial automation.
Object tracking system with 3 axis stabilization compromised of BLDC motors. Many iterations starting with Arduino, following STM32 Discovery board, EPOS2 driver, Raspberry Pi3...
Bachelor`s thesis, exploiting optical illusion, POV or retinal persistence. Project was built upon an array of RGB diodes with synchronized pulse with speed of the rotating ring, in other words array of diodes moved in space creates an effect of array of arrays and additionally programmtically changing targeted images.
Mechademic robot arm, defined and realized as showcase sequence for a fair in Germany. Included multiple movements for showing maximum performance of the robot
6-axis robot leveraging on machine learning for obtaining optimal joint parameters for scoring through the hoop. First part of the implementation was ball tracking and trajectory planning in order to create a specific cost function for ML training process and evaluation. Paper was published in IcETRAN 2019
Repurposed old floppy drives as midi player. Each stepper motor is controlled by Arduino, the sound generated depends on the motor speed, the higher the frequency, the greater the pitch
RPi based project based on openCV and built with node.js, included face recognition, facial expression and other relevant data for mirror(weather, time, news, etc.)
Star Wars replica built around STM32 Nucleo board, head movement and Bluetooth control
6-axis robot leveraging on machine learning for obtaining optimal joint parameters for scoring through the hoop. First part of the implementation was ball tracking and trajectory planning in order to create a specific cost function for ML training process and evaluation. Paper was published in IcETRAN 2019
Yugoslavian Logo Quiz game with 11 levels, where each levele has multiple modified company logo which needs to be correctly answered, additional hints, surveys for receiveing additional hints.
And many other projects including LeapMotion AR assembly training app, ultimate TV killer, RFID labaratory student access control, many Solidworks Macro scripts for automating workflow, 1st person VR Bluetooth controlled car with collision detection, Dancing fountain in Belgrade, 3D hologram projection stand and many many more...
Projects define your knowledge, but without a plethora of diversified
hobbies you would never achieve success you thrive for.
I love MOOCs, they always provide sufficient intro in a specific topic, may it be expansion of your expertise or plain hobby interests. WIth 25+ certificates, i do not plan to exclude them from my routine.
In any form. May it be a simple gadget or PC hardware, i am all over it, and love to listen about tech in which i do not have any experience or knowledge.
Started rather late but with a strict yearly goal i have enjoyed reading different genres over the years
Agile.Kanban.Scrum. You name it. May it be everyday personal tasks or client projects i love to plan, but not to expect that it goes per plan.
Running for a ball is undervalued. I appreciate plain running as well.
Mind bending or true story based titles always catch my eye and hearth
Do not hesitate! Feel free to contact me and lets work together!